Participate Virtually in NYC Climate Week, 2024!
Here are a few of our top pics for virtual events taking place at NYC Climate Week. Hope you get a chance to check it out, and let us know your fave! This list will be updated again on Monday 9/23.
Hi Sound of Earth Listeners!
We are so excited to share with you some of our favorite virtual events coming up from Climate Week NYC! Whether this is your first Climate Week or your 10th, we believe that you’ll find hope, inspiration, and a sense of community at these events that makes solving the climate puzzle fun!
It’s Time to unleash the power of innovation and technology to achieve net zero
With the twin policies of the Inflation Reduction Act and the Green Deal Industrial Plan sparking a green subsidy manufacturing race in the Global North, and China accelerating ahead on green tech investment and EV deployment, the stage is set for innovative leadership, policy and clean technology to supercharge the transition to a net zero economy. We’ve come to rely on innovation to decarbonize, but the proof will be in the emissions and the power of technology to help make our net zero future a reality in a scalable, replicable and equitable manner. It’s Time for clean technology’s multiplier effect to kick in and help keep the 1.5ºC aligned pathway for our countries and corporations in sight.
Attend | Tuesday, September 24, 2024 | 6AM PST
Pillars of the Green Transition
During this year’s Climate Week NYC, Newsweek will take an in-depth look at pragmatic ways in which key economic sectors—energy, transportation, and industry—are investing and innovating to decrease emissions and achieve net zero.
Attend | Wednesday, September 25th, 2024 11AM PST
International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) 2024
Join the Global Association of Master’s in Development Practice Programs (MDP), in collaboration with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), for the 12th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD).
The theme of the 2024 ICSD is “Solutions for the Future”. The aim of the conference is to bring together persons involved in research, policy, practice, and business, in advance of the 2024 United Nations Summit of the Future. Participants will share practical solutions for achieving the SDGs at local and national levels.
The conference will take place over three days. The first day, September 19 will feature all the abstract research presentations in parallel sessions, virtually and accommodating all time zones. Register for the virtual parallel sessions here.
The second and third days of the conference, September 20-21, will feature the 'high-level segment' and will feature keynote addresses from UN leaders and heads of state, as well as panels with world-renowned experts. These days can be attended for free virtually by watching the livestreams on Day 1 (September 20) or Day 2 (September 21).
All events are free to attend.
Attend Day 2 is TODAY, Day 3 is Saturday, the 21st.
Hydrogen: The Key to Unlocking Green Energy Microgrids
The panel will explore the transformative potential of hydrogen in creating sustainable and resilient energy systems already today. Experts will discuss how hydrogen can be produced, stored, and utilized to power microgrids, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and enhancing energy security.
The session will highlight innovative technologies and real-world applications, showcasing successful case studies from around the globe. Attendees will gain insights into the economic and environmental benefits of integrating hydrogen into microgrid solutions.
Join us to discover how hydrogen can drive the future of clean energy and support the transition to a greener, more sustainable world.
Attend | Monday, September 23rd, at 4AM PST
Decarbonization and the Path to a Sustainable Future: Advancing the Biofuels Agenda
The online event will specifically focus on the Biofuels and Decarbonization Agenda, addressing topics of discussion such as: 1) Brazil's role as a Biofuels Producer in its historical and current positions in the biofuels production; 2) economic and social impacts of the biofuels productions in Brazil; 3) expansion of the biofuels production and reforestation to consolidate the biofuels agenda in Brazil.
Attend | Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 7AM PST
Introducing the FLOWER App: climate action for health, equity, and wellbeing
Learn about FLOWER, a new online App for fostering cross-sector collaborations that protect the climate. By allowing groups to visualize up to 8 co-benefits and the equity implications of each, FLOWER promotes multi-dimensional thinking and helps investors, policy makers, educators, and civil society groups ensure that climate action also benefits equity, jobs, health, and wellbeing. FLOWER is being released for public use at this event. Its designer will showcase FLOWER’s features and share examples of how FLOWER is being used to improve thinking, partnerships, and action.
Attend | Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 10AM PST
Governing change: Breaking down siloes to plan and finance infrastructure for the future
The United Nations Environment Assembly resolution 5/9 encourages UN member states to collect, share, and implement best practice, tools, and experiences for improving the sustainability of infrastructure systems.
In the realm of infrastructure planning and financing, sustainable and resilient outcomes cannot be fully achieved without breaking down siloes and securing buy-in across government and other influential stakeholders including planners, designers, and financiers.
There are many tools and case studies on how to support good governance in infrastructure planning, particularly when it comes to financing and delivering sustainable and resilient infrastructure projects. That said, changing how infrastructure is governed in practice is not always straightforward. This is due to country-level differences (such as governance systems, politics, and geography), ways of working, and a disconnect in how infrastructure is planned, financed, and delivered.
At this event, co-organised by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the ICE-led Enabling Better Infrastructure (EBI) Programme, attendees will hear from senior government officials from around the world who have been able to shift how they governed more sustainable infrastructure.
Speakers will outline how countries have encouraged cooperation in infrastructure planning by breaking down silos and bringing in a wide range of stakeholders — such as ministries of finance and sectoral line ministries—to promote the setting up of bankable infrastructure projects.
During the event, speakers will reflect on the following key questions:
How were siloes broken down across the infrastructure system, and what were the direct and indirect benefits for delivering on infrastructure needs?
How are the realities of financing and investing in sustainable infrastructure incorporated into the planning process?
How easy was it to identify which changes needed to be made across multiple government departments and other influential stakeholders, and how did you overcome any challenges?
Which lessons can share with other countries wanting to break down siloes in how infrastructure is planned and delivered?
International guidance, such as UNEP’s International Good Practice Principles for Sustainable Infrastructure and ICE’s EBI principles, will be used to explore how tools shape infrastructure governance in different parts of the world.
Attend | Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 10AM PST
Check back here for more updates on Monday, the 23rd!